Tuesday, May 27, 2008

"Last Best Hope For Mankind"

Yesterday, President Bush described America as the "last best hope for mankind."

I simply don't see how, as a Christian, he can make this statement.


thepriesthood said...


Bob said...

amen, brother, amen

the constant refrain about liberty as God's greatest gift is just mystifying for me

Travis Stanley said...

When you believe you are appointed by God and your nation is God's hands in the world...I guess it makes sense. But when you don't buy the civil religion crap, the statement is reprehensible.

Dean Smith said...

You make that kind of statement because you actually believe it's true. Why can't we understand that about this man? He's not trying to deceive us. We're deceiving ourselves into believing that "surely he doesn't mean that." He does...he really does.

Anonymous said...

Apparently John Kennedy said something similar about the UN. Bobby Kennedy quoted Thomas Jefferson saying the same thing about the United States. Bush sucks, but the comment sounds better coming from Obama who just said it in his speech claiming the democratic nomination.

See RFK, Jr. on his dad's speech: