Wednesday, July 30, 2008

How We Are Corrupted

President Warren Harding's administration had a credo: More business in government, less government in business. It is viewed by history as one of the most corrupt and least influential presidencies in our history.

Too many churches today have modified this credo: More business in church, less church in our business.

And we wonder why we are so corrupted and have so little influence.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Commercialization of the World

"...I came to see Islam, or at least one part of Islam, as an important defense mechanism against the commercialization of the world." -Peter Jennings

Shouldn't someone be saying this about the church?

Monday, July 28, 2008

I'm A Jerk

I'm a jerk.

Today I found out that columnist Robert Novack has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. And the first thought that went through my head was, "Well, it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy."

Now, why in the world would I tell you that?

Because years ago I was joking with a non-Christian friend about the lame nature of Christian subculture and, more specifically, Christian t-shirts. And he asked what an appropriate Christian t-shirt would be. And I responded: I'm A Jerk (front) That's Why I Need Jesus (on the back)

To which he responded, "Come on, you're not a jerk."

But I am a jerk. Frankly, jerk isn't a strong enough word, but we try and keep this blog PG.

I think bad things. Not only that, but I actually draw comfort from bad things. I talk bad about customers after I smile to their face, I ignore my son when he's looking for attention and I'd rather be reading, I make excuses not to know my neighbors or help the poor or befriend those who might make my life messy.

I read that some columnist whose opinions strike me as harsh and hateful has been diagnosed with a brain tumor and, for a second or two, I'm more harsh and hateful than he has ever been.

And that's why I'm a Christian. Not because I got my life together or because I'm nicer than the average bear, but because I'm selfish and petty and lazy. Because I'm a jerk.

My friend Derek once said that "those without sin don't need a Savior." And yet we Christians go to great lengths to keep our sin as hidden as we can. We want people to know all that Christ has done for us without them finding out all we've done. But my buddy Derek has it right. "The best thing that could happen to us," he once said, "would be to have our worst thoughts and actions broadcast on the evening news."

Jesus once encountered a woman who had made some sinful choices in her life. She did her best to keep this from him, but he quickly and lovingly exposed her sin. He proceeded then to offer her forgiveness that only he could offer and a new life and new choices. The encounter ends with the woman running into the city and exclaiming, "Come meet a man who told me everything I ever did."

Why? Why is that good news? Why is it necessary for us to be so exposed? Why share my sin with you? Why admit that I had this moment of schadenfreude at Robert Novack's expense?

It isn't a giving in to emotional voyeurism. It isn't an embrace of "radical honesty." It's just that Christians are too often involved in a massive cover up we like to call "everything's fine." It's "I'm OK, you're OK" with a Jesus twist. 

But I'm not OK and you're not either and that's why Jesus had to come and die and raise again and forgive our sin and teach us a better way. Because I'm a screw-up. I'm a jerk.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

What We Settle For

I've been reading the prophet Isaiah lately. Let me recommend that you not do that unless you're looking for an overhaul in your way of thinking and living.

I was in Isaiah 28 today, and struck by God's anger at those who would settle for less in the way of following Him. Verse 10 describes our milktoast teaching as:

Do this, do that, a rule for this, a rule for that, a little here, a little there.

Sound familiar? This is too often what we offer up in the name of following Christ. This is all we require in the name of seeking and knowing God. Isaiah goes on in chapter 30, verse 10 to describe the requests we make of our teachers and leaders:

They say to the seers, "See no more visions!" and to the prophets, "Give us no more talk of what is right! Tell us pleasant things, prophesy illusions. Leave this way, get off this path, and stop confronting us with the Holy One of Israel."

Wow. If church folks said what was really on their hearts, would it sound like this? Do we desire a "do this, do that" approach to faith as opposed to being confronted with the Holy One of Israel? Are we looking to make minor adjustments in order to avoid real change?

I hope not. I pray not. I wonder.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Out and About

So, we do house church on Sunday evenings, but I like the idea of making this a weekly ritual.

Still True Today

"There are only two ways to make it in big-time politics today: One is to come on like a mean dinosaur, with a high-powered machine that scares the shit out of your entrenched opposition (like Daley or Nixon)...and the other is to tap the massive, frustrated energies of a mainly young, disillusioned electorate that has long since abandoned the idea that we all have a duty to vote."

Hunter Thompson wrote those words in 1972. Sound familiar?

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008


A.J. Jacobs is a great guy and wrote a great book that I reviewed awhile back here and here. Check out his TED talk. He and I don't always agree, but his sincerity and respect, even for those he disagrees with, cannot be questioned.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


"Prayer is a discipline in truthfulness." -from Home by Marilynne Robinson

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Ministry of Presence

I realized today, once again, how important it is just to "be there." I have a friend going through a rough spot and he reached out for some one on one time. I find myself wanting to be the pastor with all the answers in these encounters and having to pray "help me to shut up, help me to sit still, help me to shut up, help me to sit still." God helped me to do that today. It's amazing the blessing provided by simply being present. No easy answers. No quick fix. Just shut up and sit still.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Tough Talk

Increasingly intimate friendships can lead to increasingly personal conversations. The topics go deeper and get more passionate. So, my question is this; how do you decide when to push through a difficult topic for the sake of a friendship and when to avoid a difficult topic for the sake of a friendship?

Thursday, July 10, 2008


We are a people given to overstatement and, it seems, at an increasing rate. My most recent vote for stupidest overstatement comes from the spot for the TV show "Greatest American Dog." And I quote:

"There is no greater bond than the one between a pet and it's owner."


Monday, July 7, 2008

How To Build Community

Check out today's Inklings post and add on with your own.

How To Build Community

turn off your television
leave your house
know your neighbors
greet a stranger
plant flowers
plant trees
get a library card
play at the park
shop local
help a lost dog
fix things you didn't break
have potlucks
visit the elderly
pick up litter
join a book club
go dancing
get to know your mail carrier
listen...especially to those who go unheard
help someone with their groceries
start a family tradition
ask questions
hire a teenager to do odd jobs
organize a block party
make extra and share
ask for help
open your blinds/pull back the shades
sing with friends
have a hobby
provide a service
turn up your music
turn down your music
seek to understand
get outside your comfort zone
open your eyes
do justly
love mercy
walk humbly
add to the list

Sunday, July 6, 2008


This is worth checking out.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Dependence Day

Here's a little blast from my past that's still applicable today. Enjoy.

Friday, July 4, 2008

The Heart of Inklings

Let's make sure we get a group to see this movie together. At the heart of Inklings I hope for the willingness to have this sort of conversation in this sort of way.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Before Anything

Senator John McCain put out an article today on what it means to be a patriot. His thesis statement was this; a patriot puts "the country first...before anything."

I've had people ask me why I don't consider myself a patriot. There are various reasons, but Senator McCain's statement is the main one. By that definition, I could never be a patriot. I don't see how any Christian could be.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Thomas Merton

Why should I fear anything that cannot rob me of God, and why should I desire anything that cannot give me possession of Him?

Door On Driscoll

Whether you're a Mark Driscoll fan or not, this is hilarious. Or maybe just if you're not.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Baby Boomer Legacy

I'm reading a book right now called After The Baby Boomers. Fascinating stuff. At one point the author makes the assertion that the legacy of boomers within churches will be that they were "less interested in finding God and more intent on finding themselves."

Agree or disagree?