Thursday, March 15, 2007

Immanuel: New Friends, Old Friends, Family and So On

Last night was just one of those great nights. A group of 13 people gathered in our living room to pray for awareness of the needs and hurts of others and a conviction to do something about it. Lots of those great "just being together" moments that we call fellowship. An amazing time spent sharing communion with each other. and a spontaneous burst of singing led by Harry ("Jesus Loves Me" really is a great song) that the entire group seemed to really enjoy. As I looked around at our 3 new folks, our frequent members, the two couples who helped get us started and my wife and my son, I gave thanks for this thing called church. When it's done right, it's the best thing on earth.

1 comment:

Randy said...

It is amazing to see God work and it is cool to see the family that He forms. I love that thing we call fellowship.