Thursday, January 25, 2007

I Will Say It Again...


Last night we celebrated the last Sunday of advent. Each week has drawn us closer to the birth of Christ and heightened the anticipation of His coming. Each week we have lit more candles as a symbol of increased light in the world. Each week we have read from a different prophet's speaking about the coming Messiah. Jeremiah talked about how we are faithful in the present because we have faith in the future. Micah and Malachi reminded us that God's presence brings an awesome mix of fear and reverence and hope and should never be treated lightly. This week, Isaiah reminded us that whatever we might not know about Christ's coming, we know that it will be cause for rejoicing. And so we did.

Each week we have sung the song "O Come O Come Immanuel" and each week we have added verses to it. Last night we finally added the chorus:

Rejoice! Rejoice!
Immanuel will ransom captive Israel

It brought tears to my eyes as we sang. This time has been a reminder that we live between the now and the not yet and that God who was and is and is to come holds time within His hands.

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