Thursday, January 25, 2007

Advent: Week One

This past Sunday, we began the season of advent. Advent begins the church calendar year, and refers to the anticipation we feel at the coming of the birth of Christ. We talked this last week about Jeremiah's prophecy of Jesus, the messiah who would come from "the branch of David". The one who was coming to put things right. The hope of Israel's future.

We talked about how Jeremiah was called by God to by a piece of land in the very place where he was also called by God to proclaim destruction and exile. Jeremiah's investment was an investment in God's future promise, that the destruction would not be complete or eternal. That salvation was coming.

During the season of advent, we attempt to put ourselves in the place of those who awaited the messiah. This isn't really that hard to do. We, like them, anticipate the coming of Jesus Christ, only His second coming, not His first. And because we believe in the promise of the future, we invest in the present, in the cities where we live and in the lives of the people living and working in those cities. We declare good news in the present tense, because of the great I AM, who was and is and is to come.

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