Monday, August 16, 2010

God Is Good...All The Time?

This is a different sort of blogpost in that I feel the need to spill my guts more than share my thoughts. I tend to think my posts through a bit more, but I need to get this one out.

I also hate that it requires some back story explanation, because I barely feel up to that. What I want to do is shout angrily from my front porch, but this will have to suffice.

3 years ago, Rachel and I decided to try for baby #2, Harry's little brother or sister. Given how easy it had been to conceive Harry, we felt confident it would go as smoothly a second time. It did not. Months passed. A year. And, finally, Rachel's doctor said she doubted that Rachel would ever get pregnant again.

Rachel and I had always said that we would pursue adoption, should something like this situation arise, and took this as a sign that adoption was in our future. We were discouraged to discover that adoption was far more expensive than we had anticipated and, given that our church-planting efforts had meant less money every month and not more, adoption seemed less and less likely a reality.

Through all of this, we prayed. Prayed to know God's will for us, prayed for God to make a way where there seemed to be no way.

And then, 3 weeks ago, we discovered that Rachel was 6 weeks pregnant. We were ecstatic, overjoyed, elated. We celebrated with our friends and talked with our church and with our son about the way in which God can still work miracles and does. The last 3 weeks, we have been walking on air. Just this past week, our church has been studying the last part of the book of James and prayers offered in faith.

Then, last night, Rachel began to have some bleeding. And I started offering prayers in faith. We made an appointment with her doctor for this morning. The sonogram revealed that our baby no longer had a heartbeat.

We are devastated. I know we're not the first people to experience a miscarriage and that many people, some of you who will read this blog, have experienced much worse. Still, we are devastated. We are angry. We are hurt. We are confused. And James 5 reads like a bad joke.

And yet, there's something else that I really need to get out. Within minutes of receiving the news, I felt this compulsion, almost as strong as a voice in my head, to acknowledge, out loud, that God is good.

I ignored it. Screw Him, I wouldn't give Him the satisfaction. But it persisted. A basic knowledge of what is true and a need to express it, despite the circumstances. Hours later, about 10 minutes ago, I broke down and did it.

At church we grew up saying to one another, "God is good...all the time. And all the time...God is good." And I believe it as strongly today as I have any day of my life. But, in some ways, that just makes it worse. That just makes this hurt more.

The subject of this post asks a question, but I know the answer; God is good.  Today, that is making me angry and confused. And, I guess, I'll just have to sit with that and think and feel and pray my way through it. But I also had to stop and acknowledge, publicly, that God is good, even if, today, that leaves me with as many questions as it does answers.

Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief.


Bob Carltom said...

prayers all around you, rachel & harry

Unknown said...

prayers and love to your sweet family

Karlos said...

Much love to you, Rachel, and Harry. We're praying and look forward to being with you sometime soon. Grace and peace my friend...Karl

sarah said...

Kester, this is precisely the type of situation that makes everything I think to say seem inadequate. But I want you to know I'm thinking of you and of things to say, and wishing I was talking to you in person.

I love you guys.

brielikethecheese said...

There is literally nothing in the world that I would rather be doing than giving you, rachel and harry hugs. I love you.

Sarah B said...

Thanks for sharing your pain, your struggle, and your belief. May you be encouraged by others who believe the same. Will be praying.

micah said...

So sorry to hear the news. Amy and I are praying for yall.

eflynn said...

I'm so very sorry, Kester, for your family's loss. Much love and light and comfort to you all.

emily rose said...

Aw, Kester, I'm so sorry for y'alls loss. I appreciate you sharing the honesty of your pain & your frustration -- its when people praise the Lord during the times when it's not easy that always inspire me. His goodness somehow doesn't spare us from incredible heartache - and I don't understand that either -- but so much bears witness to His Love that we have to trust it even when its confusing... Anyways, words don't change anything, but know you've got the prayers of the saints tonight.

D.J. said...

many prayers sent your way.

D.J. said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kerry O'Brien said...

We love you guys.

Rachel said...

It doesn't matter how long that little life was there, or how long you knew about it. It was there, and you loved it, and now its not and you still love it. And the crappy thing is, to be such a wonderful thing, love can really hurt. A lot. In a couple of weeks, we would have been celebrating a fifth birthday. But we're not. Instead we're just remembering. I am so sorry for you guys. We'll be praying.

Poor Kelly said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. i know from where you speak; we went through the same before we were blessed with Asa & Sammy. my heart goes out to you and your family.

Kaley said...

My heart is so heavy for you all. We love you guys and are praying for you.

Randy Buist said...

As the community of God visible here on earth, we embrace you. We hold Rachel & you in prayer as we too know pain.

Your post is so very real - such a testament to the reality of the God among our broken and soaring spirits. With so much love to you.

Jenni said...

so so sorry. there are no words. just prayers - and longdistance hugs.

David and Michelle Simpson said...

We are praying and we are sorry!

Johnny Rollerfeet said...

I've been trying to decide what to say, but words won't help you as much as time and prayer will. You aren't the first person I have known to face this tragedy, and I am just as heartbroken for you now as I was the first time I had a friend go through it.

Embrace your family and friends, and let them embrace you. Know that many people have you in their prayers. Know that God will see you through.

Anonymous said...

I'm very sorry for your loss, Kester (and Rachel). Storyline leaders prayed together for your family today.

Your blog post reminds me of Psalm 13 and the lament tradition of the psalter, in which prayers of protest often end by saying, "God is good." Julie and I found comfort from the laments in similar circumstances.

Love you, bro. Keep the faith.

Jason said...

We love you and grieve for you.

Monk-in-Training said...

I am so sorry for you in this sad time.

These are the times when faith can be very difficult and rightly so. I know His eyes are on each sparrow that falls, and that he cares even more for us, but the sparrow still falls...

When I walked through the dark valley after the death of my wife, somehow the story of the Tree of Knowledge from the Creation helped me. It seems that we just don't get to know everything in this life, and can't. It helped me let go of the 'why' question.

May God surround your family in His unfailing love and care.

Br. James Patrick.

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing this beautiful and real post. i dig. i'm sending lots of love to you, and i've received a huge gift of insight and wisdom and reality from reading it.

Julie said...

Kester and Rachel,

Even though we have walked this same road in the past we know every journey through miscarriage is difficult, unique, painful, and faith challenging. I remember singing "Mighty to Save" while I knew I was beginning a miscarriage and begging God to do something he chose not to do. I pray that you will find comfort and peace in your prayers, even when they are full of anger or frustration.

capnwatsisname said...

so sorry to hear this news. Peace to you and Rachel; I am holding you in prayer.


Ginger Paty said...

Cody and I have stood in you and rachel's shoes, and there is absolutely NOTHING WORSE than the pain you are feeling right now. We love you guys so much and are praying for the days ahead as you sort through your grief. You both are so precious to us.