Monday, February 23, 2009

Lenten Reading/Cost of Discipleship

During this season of Lent the members of Immanuel will be reading through the first part of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's The Cost of Discipleship together. For those who would like in on an online discussion, I will be posting the questions that go with each week's reading/discussion. Here is week one:


Bonhoeffer begins his book with three questions:
What did Jesus mean to say to us?
What is His will for us today?
How can He help us to be good Christians in the modern world?

Why is it important to ask these questions? What do they have to do with discipleship?

As you read through the introduction, Bonhoeffer asks almost as many questions as he makes statements. What's one of his questions that you have asked yourself and would like to see answered?

What scripture does Bonhoeffer wrap up his introduction with? Is this the scripture you would expect in a book called "The Cost of Discipleship"? What are your expectations for this book/study?

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