Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Monasticism

Check out this excellent bit of satire.

I was particularly struck by this lie that the modern American church has bought into:

The New Monastics’ emphasis on community is also misleading. Sure the Church in the book of Acts lived in proximity and shared resources, but that lifestyle was for the early Church only. No realistic Christian could advocate such a lifestyle today. Once the Bible came together as a complete book, community living and the exercise of Spiritual gifts ceased to be necessary. Today’s Christians are called to be independent, self-sustaining, and focused on improving themselves. This emphasis on communal living and sharing could easily lead to social gospelism, New Ageism and other disorders.


Dallas Peters said...

Dude. I have goose bumps and chills running down my spine. Seriously. Someone thinks this? I don't even know how to begin to process a statement like this.

Dallas Peters said...

oh. its satire.

well, the goosebumps remain cause I know some feel this way.

funny. kinda.

Kester said...

yeah, the scary part is that a lot of Christians would mark "agree" with the portion of the article that i highlighted. Christianity has become nothing more than self-improvement.