Monday, January 5, 2009

Stop Talking. Start Doing.

I'm ready to stop talking and start doing. And I can't do it alone. And I need to know who's with me.


carl said...

I'm ready...where do we start?

Ryan Young said...

I'm in.

Kester said...


That is the right question. Let's brainstorm.

Dean Smith said...

It starts with, "though none go with me, still I will follow."

Shelton said...


Kester said...

OK, but I need some "go with me." Fortunately, it looks like we have some first responders. So, we have the who. I think we're agreed on the why. Let's talk what, where, and when.

Kester said...

Dad may have a specific opportunity for us coming soon. Dad, you want to tell us more?

Monk-in-Training said...

I am seeing relationship and connection bearing the most fruit in my area, rather than 'special projects'. What about you all?

Dean Smith said...

What an interesting group of people who are "all in." I know a neighborhood where we can live out the "kingdom of heaven." Is anyone interested?

Dean Smith said...

I agree about relationship and connection. So who of us live in similar areas and how can we engage in deeper, more meaningful relationship and connection with one another and with our areas?