Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Tremendous Internal Discipline

Just got done listening to one of my favorite radio shows appearance at my alma mater. This past month the Prairie Home Companion visited ACU and Garrison Keillor took some time to interview the Dean of the College of Biblical Studies. Jack Reese. Keillor tried to get to the heart of what binds the churches of Christ together other than attributes that they share with, say, Episcopalians. As Jack attempted to explain an increasingly complex confederation (what Keillor described as "loose"), and explain practices like strict a capella worship, Keillor ended with this comment:

"Well, it must take tremendous internal discipline and commitment for all you people to stay together when there's nothing keeping you together other than just the fact that you're together."


1 comment:

jana said...

Kester, I had to go listen to that segment for myself. Keillor absolutely nailed it with his summation. One of the most aggravating things about the c of C for me. :) Thanks. Can't wait to listen to the whole program.