Friday, November 7, 2008

A King and A Kingdom and 44

Looking back on my last two posts, I see a potential irony. My allegiance to God followed by 44 things on the President-elect.

So, I won't set a number on it, but here's a few things about my King:

He was born in a manger
Strangers came to worship him
Kings tried to kill him
The world ignored him

He was raised by a carpenter
Rabbis were amazed by him
His mother treasured him
The world ignored him

He was proclaimed by prophets
He was baptized by John
His Father was pleased

He went into the desert
He was tempted by Satan
He began His mission

He preached good news
He drove out demons
He healed the sick
The people could no longer ignore Him
The people rejected Him
The people followed Him

He called disciples
He healed lepers
He healed the paralyzed
The religious questioned Him
The sinners followed Him

He broke the law
He fulfilled the law

He blessed the poor
He blessed the hungry
He blessed the mournful
He blessed the hated

He preached judgment on the rich
He preached judgment on the well fed
He preached judgment on the well regarded

He preached love for enemies
He called for fruitful life
He said we must build a foundation on His teaching

He honored the faith of outsiders
He was honored by outsiders

He preached in parables
He rebuked His family
He calmed the storm

He sent out the twelve
He fed the five thousand

He drew followers to the mountaintop
He drew followers back down the mountain

He said the greatest must be like a little child
He said the greatest must be a servant

He said the cost of discipleship was everything we have and are

He corrected Martha
He honored Mary
He loved them both

He taught us to pray

He preached woes to the religious and self-righteous

He preached warnings and encouragements

He told us not to be anxious
He told us to be alert

He brought us together
He divided us

He said, "repent or perish"
He said, "enter through the narrow door"
He said, "how often I have longed to gather you together, as a hen gathers her chicks, but you would not allow it"

He ate with Pharisees
He ate with sinners

He warned us to count the cost
He told us to hear

He rejoiced in finding what was lost
He rejoiced in the dead being alive again

He called the rich man simply "the rich man"
He gave the poor man a name

He preached on sin and faith and duty
He preached the coming of the Kingdom of God

He preached justice
He preached mercy
He preached love of children

He said, "You still lack one thing. Sell everything you have and give it to the poor."

He predicted His death

He healed the blind

He went home with Zacchaeus and brought salvation to his house

He rode on a donkey
He was worshipped by the people

He said the temple was a den of thieves

His authority was questioned
His loyalties were questioned
His theology was questioned

He said that in this world we would have trouble
He said that He had overcome the world

He was betrayed by Judas
He was disowned by Peter
He washed both their feet
He said, "take and eat, this is my body"
He said, "take and drink, this is the new covenant in my blood"

He prayed, "may this cup pass"
He prayed, "Thy will be done"

He was arrested
He was mocked
He was crucified
He was dead
He was buried

He was raised again

He appeared to His disciples

He ascended into heaven

He sent His Spirit

He created a community

He saved the world


Ruth said...

Hey Kester... You have been tagged. Should you decide to play along, here's the url:

Shane Alexander said...

I don't know if you'd call that poetry or not, but I have read it several times today and I think it's beautiful. Thanks.