Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Strange Disparity

The two staggering facts in the life of the prophet are: God's turning to him, and man's turning away from him. This is often his lot: to be chosen by God and to be rejected by the people. The word of God, so clear to him, is unintelligible to them. 

What baffles the prophet is the disparity between the power and impact of God and the immense indifference, unyieldingness, sluggishness, and inertia of the heart. God's thunderous voice is shaking heaven and earth, and man does not hear the faintest sound. The Lord roars like a lion. His word is like fire, like a hammer which breaks the rocks in pieces, and the people go about unmoved, undisturbed, unaware.

-from The Prophets by Abraham Heschel

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