A Yahoo users poll recently rated the greatest science-fiction films of all time. Transformers beat out The Empire Strikes Back. All three X-Men films made the list. 2001: A Space Odyssey did not. Neither did Bladerunner.
Which begs the question, are Yahoo users the stupidest people on earth? It makes me want to get a gmail account, just on principle.
Another question: What do you think is the greatest sci-fi film of all time?
i don't know if this is yahoo's doing, or the users (as i've never actually ever taken one of their poles, but one of the problems is that spiderman, v for vendetta, x-men, superman, iron man and the incredibles aren't sci fi. they're super hero movies, which isn't science fiction. they're not even in within the definition of science fiction, which is a narrative that draws on our knowledge of science or speculates concerning the future/technology to make its story. super hero movies do not do these things.
having said that, blade runner is good, sunshine blew my mind out of the helicopter door, the fountain perplexes (though it really should be in "philosophy fiction," but such a category does no exist), as does donnie darko (philosophy fiction again), the new battlestar is really good, as is firefly. i'd probably say sunshine. that movie is purely amazing.
and maybe iron man could be considered sci fi. loosely. it is technology driven.
2001 was a terrible movie, great book, 2010 was both a good book and good movie.
my two cents.
I haven't seen the Yahoo nonsense yet, but two faves not already mentioned here are Close Encounters of the Third Kind and The Prestige.
Bladerunner may be my favorite sci-fi movie. I suspect the problem with the Yahoo list is that the users are probably too young to have seen some of the old classics.
Signs by M. Night Shyamalan
For me it begins and ends with Trek. Not because it's great cinema (it isn't), but more for the sake of nostalgia and the occassional moments of Picard-ian poignance.
P.S. Transformers... really?
It's worth noting that I don't enjoy 2001 either, but I don't see how it gets put up behind Transformers.
My top 5 sci-fi favorites are:
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
The Empire Strikes Back
The Wrath of Khan
Back to the Future
I jumped from yahoo to gmail as soon as I could. I keep yahoo as my sir-spam-a-lot account. And use gmail for real email. The overall set of features are similar, but google tends to stay out front these days in neat, new, functionally relevant features. Besides, IMO gmail is cleaner looking, has fewer intrusive ads, and far better usability/ergonomics of webpage use. Also, they do a slow-link/fast-link detection that can really come in handy.
Logan's Run. Never trust anyone over 30.
i know this gets my hipster/nerd card revoked, but i've never seen logan's run. i don't know that i've ever admitted that before today. how have i not seen logan's run?!
Dude, I saw Logan's Run in the theater! I tumbled upon your blog through Travis'. I'm his over-opinionated sister-in-law. Rent LR; it's fantastic.
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