But Ian Usher isn't happy. His marriage recently ended, and he's looking to start again.
So, Ian Usher is auctioning off his life on eBay.
The winner gets his house and all its contents, two weeks training for his job, and an introduction into his group of friends.
This story is true, it is happening, and it is fascinating to me.
And, with Easter just around the corner, I can't help but draw Biblical applications.
Jesus said, "whoever wants to keep his life, will lose it, but whoever loses his life for the sake of the good news, will save it."
I don't know what Ian Usher's story is, beyond the little I can glean from a 2 minute news story. But this is a man who is making the choice to lose the life he has in the hopes of something better.
It may be that Usher is just bailing out on his old life and the responsibilities that come with it. It may be that he plans to drag his same issues and hang-ups and habits and problems into this new life and that this is more of a quick fix/running away than an actual life change.
But what if it isn't. What if Ian Usher decides to really begin again? What might happen to him?
Holy Week is a time when we remember both the death and resurrection of Jesus. We remember that our hope is in losing our life in order to be "born again" into a new one. This doesn't mean we drag old habits and old ways into a new set of circumstances, it means we die to old habits and old ways in order to walk in a new way, the Way of Jesus.
This can be bad news for people who like their lives the way they are.
But for guys like Ian Usher, whose cars and house and spa couldn't hold together a marriage or make him happy, maybe this is good news. Maybe it's good news worth losing your life over.
This was the topic of conversation at dinner the other night. What would drive a guy to post his whole life on ebay. After my divorce it would have been nice to just disappear but their are children and their are responsibilities. I just figured it was easier to be faithful to my creator by finally being who he created me to be.
Excellent post brother.
I love reading your blog.
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter weekend.
May his richest blessings fall on your life and ministry.
In Him,
Kinney Mabry
Preacherman! :-)
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