Monday, March 30, 2009

Lenten Reading/Cost of Discipleship

Chapter 5

What do you do to avoid solitude with God? How do you interact with others when you are lonely vs. when you are in solitude with God?

In what area of life do you find it hard to let Christ be the Mediator (though He is indeed)? If we agree that, "Christ stands between us and we can only get into touch with our neighbors through Him," then who is God calling you to intercede for?

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son," yet God commands us, "Love not the world." How do you reconcile those 2 statements?

What happens when we try to have fellowship of the church without making a definite breach with the world?

What are the differences between attending a church and being part of what Bonhoeffer calls, "the community of the cross, the People of the Mediator, the People under the cross?" How do go about becoming a "community of the cross"?

1 comment:

Like a Mustard Seed said...

these are some really good questions...
probably would be best to reflect and then answer. anyway, glad we found you we will be stopping by again!

peace to you.