Monday, March 9, 2009

I Wasn't Meant To Be A Calvinist

Allow me to recommend a helpful little book called A Brief History of Theology. Won't be life changing for anyone who ever went to seminary, but as good a combination of complete and concise as I have come across. It reminds me that I wasn't meant to be a Calvinist and makes me wonder why I don't choose to be a Methodist.

1 comment:

Leah said...

I love your comment (in the previous Calvin blog) on the lack of tension in Calvinism. That gets me, too.

I am one of the few non-Calvinists at my non-denom Reformed Theology church. Good people, good community. But the certainty that they fully understand the exact way that God calls and does this work bothers. If you don't mind, I'd like to adopt your phraseology: I wasn't meant to be a Calvinist, either.