Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tag and Response

My buddy Wes tagged me on his blog the other day. The rules are:

*Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog
*Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself
*Tag seven other people at the end of your post and link to their blogs
*Let each person know they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog

1) Whenever I clock out at work I hear the words "Seacrest out" in my head.
2) Occasionally, when I am up on a roof or other high structure, I get the sense that I have flown before and that, if I took a leap, I would do it again.
3) I've always short of wished I could have replaced Jim Henson as the voice of Kermit the Frog, Rowlf the Dog, etc. and so on
4) I have an idea for what I think would be the ultimate Superman story
5) I can't stand My Bloody Valentine, but have always felt I should like them
6) I make the sign of the cross whenever I pass the scene of an accident
7) I like eggs and cheese, but hate foods that mix eggs and cheese

I'd like to see the following people respond to this tag:


Wes W. said...

Nice and consise. I hate egg/cheese combos and bloody valentines as well.

I want to hear your Superman idea.

jch said...

nice list. i so wish i had something to offer that was unknown. but much like they say about will willimon, there's hardly a thought of mine that is unpublished. the diff b/w me and willimon, of course, is that he gets paid for all of his published thoughts. dangit.

for the very few oddities i haven't shared about myself on the blog, i better keep to myself for fear that i might become a hollow shell of person without anything new and daring to offer the world.
