Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Door On Driscoll

Whether you're a Mark Driscoll fan or not, this is hilarious. Or maybe just if you're not.


capnwatsisname said...

That's hilarious. Is that John Piper getting punched?

Shelton Green said...

Wow. Funny yet disturbing. Don't have an opinion about Driscoll. But after reading this I might need to get one.

Jason said...

Brant Hansen as a satirical series on his blog called "Rules for Awesomely Bold Leadership." Here's the one that immediately came to mind after reading the Driscoll story:

"Rule #221: Jesus Wasn't Some Namby-Pamby Guy Like in those Movies if Jesus was some guy who walked around, hung out with a bunch of losers, and just stood there while people beat him up. People who think that should read their Bibles!

Jesus was huge and ripped. How do we know? Remember: He was a carpenter! What do we know about carpenters? Carpenters are totally jacked. Scholars, including Dr. Josh McDowell and Dr. Joe Weider, believe Jesus could probably bench 300 more than 20 times, and squat 700 plus. Some "pansy", huh? Yeah, right!

Jesus was pumped. Scholars agree, he was like Mr. T, except white.

But let's set Jesus aside: Church life, itself, isn't for the weak-kneed! It's like I told our "Bold S.T.U.D.S." men's group the other night: It takes a MAN to attend our events, go to our 101 Membership Class, and read the assigned small group curriculum before a time of real intimacy and intimate sharing in a very intimate small group setting.

Think sitting and passively, unquestioningly, listening to sermons isn't manly? Try some of my sermons, which frequently reference my motorcycle! Who says Christians can't ride Harleys, huh? Like to see them say that to my face!

No. Let me put it more bluntly, gentlemen: I'd like to see them say that to Jesus's face."

Here's a link to his entire series: