Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson

I don't have a lot to say about Michael Jackson's death, but I feel compelled to throw in my two cents.

The fact that Michael Jackson was a celebrity doesn't make his death more tragic. Yes, he was a gifted musician and yes, his music touched many people in profound ways. But you didn't lose your best friend when he died, unless your name is Janet Jackson. His death was a reason for his family and friends to get worked up over and to grieve deeply. It is not something for you to treat like as a personal loss just because you loved the Thriller video.

However, and more importantly, the fact that Michael Jackson was a celebrity doesn't make his death fair game for snide comments and tasteless jokes. A man died. Yes, a man who had his share of problems, but also a man who had parents and siblings and kids. His death isn't a punchline just because you and he never shared coffee. Regardless of whether or not you watched the memorial (I did not) or how you felt about it and all the coverage surrounding it, that last moment was of a small girl overwhelmed by life without her dad. That's a tragic moment. It isn't funny. It isn't tantalizing. It's just very sad and very real.


Jason said...

I realized my Google ID has Jason - this is Schu - perhaps a better descripter.

Jason said...

Very well said Kester. Hope all is well in Austin

Neal said...

He was just a man. A man with the same amount of personal issues that we all have. I am neither glad or sad that he is dead. I understand why people are so worked up (and I understand the ridiculousness of it). He inspired people through his music and dancing. People latch on to that when they aren't finding it somewhere else. There is a connection (though one sided) and that should be understood and not mocked. Just like not mocking a man who has died. People experience loss at all sorts of thing (like goldfish), it's a sad reality, but still a reality.