In truth, I should have posted this a few weeks back. That's because, according to the Christian calendar, the new year begins with the season of Advent and the coming of Christmas. Celebrating with the Christian calendar for the past 3 years has been a powerful reminder about where I come from and where I'm going, about the years past and the the years ahead and the year just ended and the year to come.
It's a reminder that the way to gauge a successful year is by asking the question; Am I more like Christ than I was last year? Am I headed in His direction? Am I following His lead?
When I do that, I'm reminded that while job loss or job gain or a new house or a house foreclosed upon or a President I'm excited by or one I'm concerned about may be important, they are not what is most important. They are not what I am called to fret over or give my life over to. They are not what I am called to avoid or pursue. I am called to avoid those things that are not of Christ -lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride. I am called to produce the fruit of His Spirit -love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
It's significant that the season of Advent and Christmas is followed up with the celebration of Epiphany. As we remember that our lives are about preparing space for Christ to reign, we are also to open ourselves to what Christ has to teach us and what God has yet to reveal. We enter a new year open to new possibilities, new challenges, new risks, and new opportunities. We ask the question; What does God want to show me about Himself and myself, about His plan and my place in it?
I hope to do just that and I hope that you will too. I hope that we will begin this year asking the right questions and passionate about the right things. I hope that we will continue to ask, and seek, and knock. I hope that will strive to know Christ, to be formed in His image, and to walk in His Way. I pray that we will trust and obey. I pray that we will follow His lead, wherever He leads, whatever the consequences, whenever He calls.
May God bless you in this coming year and may you be reminded that God never blesses simply for the sake of those that are blessed, but also for the sake of those they might bless.